Am 25. August wird sich zum zehnten Mal der Todestag des aufständischen Infanterie-Leutnants Eleazar jähren. Ab 2004, aber genauer gesagt 2003 wurde er krank, er erkrankte an einer Krankheit die nur beim doctor House oder ähnlichen Serien vorkommt, die Krankheit heißt Guillain-Barré, und besteht in einer langsamen Verschlechterung des gesamten Lebenssystems bis man stirbt. Es gibt keine Heilung, der Kranke muss künstlich am Leben erhalten werden, angeschlossen.
Peoples, nation, tribes, poor neighborhoods, poor workers, the exploited of the countryside and the city: these are the people who know how a new world should be, how a new system of governance could work. Why? Because they are the ones who have suffered injustice, poverty, inequality. They have suffered sadness, pain, bitterness, loneliness. They have suffered imprisonment, torture, and disappearance. They have suffered century after century of deceit, discrimination, horrible things, inhuman cruelties, humiliation, dispossession, and displacement. They have suffered centuries of mockery and a life without peace because of those above—the capitalist system. The political parties of the politicians are covered in the mud of that system. Our backs have been used as ladders for politicians to climb to power; we are well-trodden from so much climbing up and down by that mafia.
Gut Compañeros, Compañeras, ihr habt gehört, was der Compañero Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano gesagt hat. Es ist das, was wir sehen, es ist das, was wir denken.
Sie haben unsere Völker nicht hinmetzeln können. Denn wie Samen wachsen sie weiter. Sie wollten uns mit Feuerwaffen umbringen, nachdem sie das nicht schafften, versuchten
sie es mit Krankheiten, auch das gelang ihnen nicht. Die Mächtigen haben viele Versuche unternommen, um uns Indigene auszurotten.
They have not been able to kill our peoples. Like seeds, we continue to grow. They tried to kill us with guns, and when they couldn’t, they tried to kill us with diseases, and again they failed. The powerful have tried many ways to kill off the indigenous.
Non hanno potuto uccidere i nostri popoli. Infatti come semi continuano a crescere. Ci hanno voluto uccidere con armi da fuoco; non riuscendoci hanno cercato di ucciderci con le malattie, e di nuovo hanno fallito. I potenti hanno usato molte strade per sterminare noi indigeni.
What you just saw a few moments ago is what in military terms is called a diversionary tactic, and in laymen’s terms is called magic. And what took just a few minutes to actually happen, took someone 20 years of work to make happen that way.
Well, compañeros, compañeras, you heard what Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano said. This is what we see; this is what we think.
Bene, compagni e compagne, avete ascoltato il compagno Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano. Questo è come la vediamo, come la pensiamo
“Veniamo per condividere le nostre sofferenze e i dolori che ci ha inferto questo sistema neoliberista. Ma non solo. Di […]