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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Communiqué from the CCRI-CG of the EZLN and the National Indigenous Congress in Solidarity with the Yaqui Tribe.

Communiqué from the CCRI-CG of the EZLN and the National Indigenous Congress in Solidarity with the Yaqui Tribe

To the Yaqui Tribe,

To the people of Mexico,

To the national and international adherents of the Sixth,

To the governments of Mexico and of the world.

As the Indigenous Peoples, Nations, and Tribes that make up the National Indigenous Congress, we together send our word from Zapatista rebel territory in the mountains of southeastern Mexico. With it we send a fraternal greeting of strength and solidarity to the members of the Yaqui Tribe and to its Government and Traditional Guard, hoping that you are all well.

We salute the Yaqui Tribe’s historic capacity to defend its existence and territory, as well as its most recent mobilization over the last 40 days in the establishment of a resistance camp around the International Highway in Vicam, principal headquarters of the Yaqui Tribe. This resistance against the government’s intended theft of water via the “Independence Aqueduct” affects not only the Yaqui people but the entire south of Sonora. The Yaqui Tribe has followed all available and necessary legal paths to stop this theft, but its victories in this arena have not been respected by the government. Their struggle, compañeros, is ours. We, like you, believe that the earth is our mother and that the water that runs through her veins is not for sale. The life it gives us is a right, not something that the bad government or the business owners have granted us.

We demand the immediate cancellation of the arrest warrants and false accusations against members of the Yaqui Tribe, and we condemn the criminalization of their struggle. To the political party-based bad governments we say that the Yaqui River is the historical carrier of the ancestral continuity of Yaqui culture and territory, and we reiterate, on behalf of the National Indigenous Congress, that a slight against any of us is a slight against all of us. We will respond accordingly to any attempt to repress this dignified struggle or any other.

Finally, we make a call to the international community and to our brothers and sisters of the International Sixth to be alert to the events in Yaqui territory and to join in solidarity with the Yaqui Tribe and its demands.


June 7, 2013

From the Zapatista Caracol number 2, Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity,

in Oventic, Chiapas

Never Again a Mexico Without Us

Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee—General Command of the EZLN


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    Pingback de Yaqui Tribe in Mexico: Defending their Right to Water… | Adonis Diaries — septiembre 15, 2013 @ 2:28 am

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    Pingback de The Yaqui Tribe defend their Right to Water | dorset chiapas solidarity — septiembre 15, 2013 @ 1:03 pm

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