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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


On the topic: The Storm and the Day After. Part Nine: First Aid for the Day After

On the topic: The Storm and the Day After.

Part Nine: First Aid for the Day After

The Zapatista Autonomous Health System addressed a protest letter to the Port Captaincy expressing its disagreement with the treatment of the violin spider bite, referred to in the eighth part: “another day later.”

First of all, they are unaware of the existence of the position of “Supreme Chief of Health Prevention, Vaccination, Wash your hand, Necropsies and Annexes, Death Certificates and others”, which does not exist in the organization chart of the Zapatista health services.  Nor are there any beetles enrolled in autonomous health trainers and promoters.  Having said the above, they point out that the anecdote told by the captain (me) of the attack suffered by a musical spider is not trustworthy.  But, assuming that the captain has his thoughts very mixed up in his head – and in response to which they recommend an invasive operation on his brain (oh, oh, they offer to perform it) – they insist that they are preparing for the day after.

For the peace of mind of those who suffer from the diseases of art and science (so the letter says), they assure them that first aid courses are currently being given in all Zapatista communities.

They detail that they will be able to provide initial attention to spider, scorpion and viper bites; injuries from a machete cut, falling from a horse, from a motor vehicle and from a tree; choking and drowning in rivers, lagoons, puddles and in glasses of water. They presume that, with their powerful mechanical and electric bicycles, they will be able to reach the scene of the accident faster and administer first aid, while a vehicle arrives to transport the victim to the nearest clinic.  From there, depending on the case, or thing, they would move to the future laboratory and the desirable operating room – where the expected surgeons and laboratory technicians will give courses, experiment with the fluids and organs of the patients, and cut with knives with singular joy.

However, they declare that, when faced with a spider, the recommendation to “run for your life” is correct. To quit smoking, they naively insist, you don’t have to wait until the next day: you have to do it now. Ha.

To emphasize what has been said, they send some videos of fragments of the courses.

That’s all.

From the waiting list to undergo a lobotomy.


The Captain, smoking his umpteenth pipe and promising that, tomorrow, he will quit the habit.
November 2024.

P.S.- Yes, a violin spider bit me.  But the musical instrument does not appear and the promoters do not offer support for its search.

ANOTHER P.S.- Verónica and Chuy arrived with their chainsaws (cf. “Comando Palomitas”).  To operate on me, they said. I dissuaded them with chamoy popsicles, but I fear they will return.  Nothing is safe anymore.

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Los Tercios Compas videos and “Feeling Good” music by Nina Simone



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