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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional





September 26, 2024.

To the mothers, fathers, fellow students, companions of the Absent from Ayotzinapa:

To the seekers:

We know that it has not been easy to get to this calendar page.

We know the pain and anger of understanding now that, no matter the color, contempt and lies continue up there.

We know that it has not only been the hope of finding those who are missing that has moved them. Because in these years their pain has extended to the thousands of relatives of the missing people in this country.

And every mother, every father, family member, friend, has deepened that pain until it reaches its bedding of rage that seeks and does not find.

Neither truth nor justice.

Not the slightest empathy from those who have Power only to boast and show off, but not to serve and resolve. The executioner pretending to present himself as a victim.

In this long journey they have encountered betrayals, with those who only used their pain to gain a position, a motive to change color in the government, or, the most wretched, a paycheck.

And in bad governments the hunter’s gaze continues to look for its next victim.


We, the Zapatista people, believe that we have this feeling in common with you that is only found in the hearts of those who fight…

Because the day will come when the figures of those who tirelessly seek for those who are missing, of the fathers and mothers of those absent from Ayotzinapa, of their fellow students, of their teachers, of their family and friends, will be associated with two words whose real absence this geography now suffers from: truth and justice.

And because the day will come when being a student, man or woman, of a rural teaching school or whatever, employee, worker, adult or elderly, will not be a reason for persecution, contempt, disappearance, death.

But for that day to come, we must continue. If we cannot yet inherit that Truth and Justice to those who come after us in calendars and geographies, we can inherit to them the rage, memory and dignity necessary to not give up, to not sell out and to not give in.

If we do not achieve this, there will always be a night of Iguala stalking those below, their young blood, and they will always be guilty of rebellion.

If there is no Truth or Justice, let there be no shortage of rage and memory.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

On behalf of the Zapatista women, men, elderly, girls and boys.

Subcommander Insurgent Moisés.
Mexico, September 26, 2024.




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