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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Eighteenth Part: The Rage

Eighteenth Part: The Rage

Is it inherited? It is acquired? Grown? Is it lost? Does it change? Is it spread? What channels is it transmitted through? How is it done collectively? Is it creative?

At what point does she become worthy? When do you begin to distance itself from resentment and revenge? Is it getting closer to justice?

How does it become the historical root of entire peoples, different in geography, language, culture, history, time?

Is rage the bridge between pain and rebellion?

At what moment do anguish, desperation, and helplessness turn into rage?

What if the disappeared men and women, conversely, inherit the rage to those who search for them? What if they give birth to their parents?

What if the seekers do not seek consolation, pity, sympathy, the alms of another’s ear? What if they also seek our rage?

What if all anger has the same root and they, we, the people, find each other at that root?

Will we greet each other? Will we have the strength to smile at each other, hug each other, exchange not only pain, but also the details of the person responsible – his same face (although different), his sardonic laugh, his mocking look, his cynicism, his way of knowing he goes unpunished, the flag of money?

What if sometime, in the unfinished book of history, someone looks at a light, any one, that, without any fuss or slogans, points out “this light was given birth to by rage”?

What if what unites us, despite all the differences, is the same rage? Who will face us? Who will sentence us to the same defeat as in the past, now, today? Who will threaten us with a tomorrow which looks exactly as yesterday?

Who will lose and who will find?


Zapatista youngsters practicing a play to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the beginning of the war against oblivion. Images courtesy of Los Tercios Compas, copyleft December 2023. Music by Keni Arkana: “La Rage”.

The Captain.
Mexico, December 2023.
40, 30, 20, 10, 1 year later.


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