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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Images of the Zapatista Mobilizations during the Day of Action “For Life, Against Mega-projects, and in Honor of Our Brother Samir Flores”

Caracol “Jacinto Canek.” Good Government Council “Flower of Our Word and Light of Our Peoples Reflected for All.” CIDECI-Unitierra Community, official municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas.

Caracol “Resistance and Rebellion, a New Horizon.” Good Government Council “The Light that Shines on the World.” Dolores Hidalgo, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).

Caracol “Dignified Spiral Weaving the Colors of Humanity in Memory of the Fallen.” Good Government Council “The Seed that Flowers with the Conscience of Those Who Struggle Forever.” Tulan Ka’u, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).

Caracol “Roots of Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity.” Good Government Council “Heart of our Lives for a New Future.” Ejido Jolj’a.

Caracol “The Flowering of the Seed of Rebellion.” Good Government Council “New Dawn of Resistance and Rebellion for Life and Humanity.” Community of Patria Nueva, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).

Caracol “Mother of the Caracoles of Our Dreams.” Good Government Council “Toward Hope.” La Realidad.

Caracol “Whirlwind of Our Words.” Good Government Council “Heart of the Rainbow of Hope.” Morelia.

Caracol “Who Speaks for All.” Good Government Council “A New Seed which will come to Fruit.” Roberto Barrios.

Caracol “Resistance Toward a New Dawn.” Good Government Council “Path to the Future.” La Garrucha.

Caracol “Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity.” Good Government Council “Heart of the Zapatistas for the World.” Oventik.

Caracol “In Honor of the Memory of our Compañero Manuel.” Good Government Council “The Rebellious Thought of the Originary Peoples.” Community of Nueva Jersalén.

Caracol “Heart of Rebellious Seeds Collective, Memory of Compañero Galeano.” Good Government Council “Steps through History, for the Life of Humanity.” La Unión.

Caracol Jacinto Canek Good Government Council Flower of Our Word and Light of Our Peoples Reflected for All. CIDECI-Unitierra Community, official municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas..



Caracol Resistance and Rebellion, a New Horizon. Good Government Council The Light that Shines on the World. Dolores Hidalgo, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).








Caracol Caracol Dignified Spiral Weaving the Colors of Humanity in Memory of the Fallen. Good Government Council The Seed that Flowers with the Conscience of Those Who Struggle Forever. Tulan Ka’u, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).






Caracol Roots of Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity. Good Government Council Heart of our Lives for a New Future. Ejido Jolj’a.




Caracol The Flowering of the Seed of Rebellion. Good Government Council New Dawn of Resistance and Rebellion for Life and Humanity. Community of Patria Nueva, recuperated land (land taken back from large landowners through the Zapatista struggle).


Caracol Caracol “Mother of the Caracoles of Our Dreams.” Good Government Council “Toward Hope.” La Realidad.









Caracol Whirlwind of Our Words. Good Government Council Heart of the Rainbow of Hope. Morelia







Caracol Who Speaks for All. Good Government Council A New Seed which will come to Fruit. Roberto Barrios.




Caracol Resistance Toward a New Dawn. Good Government Council Path to the Future. La Garrucha



Caracol Resistance and Rebellion for Humanity. Good Government Council “Heart of the Zapatistas for the World. Oventik.



Caracol In Honor of the Memory of our Compañero Manuel. Good Government Council The Rebellious Thought of the Originary Peoples. Community of Nuevo Jerusalén.






Caracol Heart of Rebellious Seeds Collective, Memory of Compañero Galeano. Good Government Council Steps through History, for the Life of Humanity. La Unión.



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