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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Denunciation of the Kidnapping of CNI Members in Chilón, Chiapas, in Retaliation for their Participation in the “Days of Action: We Are All Samir”

Denunciation of the Kidnapping of CNI Members in Chilón, Chiapas, in Retaliation for their Participation in the “Days of Action: We Are All Samir”

February 26, 2020

To the people of Mexico:
To the networks of resistance and rebellion:
To the Sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To the press:
To human rights organizations:
To organizations working in defense of territory and Mother Earth:

We hereby denounce the assault, repression, and kidnapping of eleven members of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) from the communities of San Antonio Bulujib and Guaquitepec in the municipality of Chilón, Chiapas, on February 23 at 5:00pm by the ejidal authorities of San Antonio Bulujib who belong to the “CHINCHULINES” and “ORCAO” paramilitary groups, and by MORENA party members in the region. This attack was carried out in retaliation for the CNI members’ participation in the “Days of Action in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth ‘We Are All Samir’”, convoked by the Zapatista Army for National Liberation and the CNI, in this case for having hung a sign regarding the event at the town entrance of San Antonio Bulujib. The names of those attacked are: María Cruz Espinoza, Juana Pérez Espinoza, Feliz López Pérez, María Cruz Gómez, Ana Gómez Hernández, Alejandra Gómez, María Luisa Pérez Gómez (one year old), María del Rosario Mazariegos Gómez (11 months old), Manuel Cruz Espinoza, Juan Gómez Núñez, and Isidro Pérez Cruz.

After being held for 24 hours, our CNI compañeros and compañeras were released at 8:30 pm on February 24, under the following conditions imposed by San Antonio Bulujib ejidal authorities: that the eleven CNI members pay a fine of 2500 pesos along with 15 cases of soft drinks and renounce their CNI membership if they wanted to remain in the community. Our compañeros and compañeras were threatened with eviction from their lands and houses if they didn’t pay the fine by Sunday, March 1, 2020, on which date their lands and houses would be sold and they would be locked up in the town jail.

We hold all three levels of government as well as the paramilitary groups organized in our communities responsible for anything that happens to our compañeros and compañeras. We specifically hold responsible the president of Mexico ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR, the governor of Chiapas, RUTILIO ESCANDÓN, the San Antonio Bulujib ejidal authority, MIGUEL LÓPEZ GUZMÁN, the community’s Security Deputy, MATEO GÓMEZ MÉNDEZ, who is also a member of the ORCAO and CHINCHULINES organizations, the Municipal Auxiliary Agent JUAN SILVANO MORENO and his assistant MANUEL GÓMEZ PÉREZ, and JOSÉ PÉREZ, supposed leader of ORCAO who supports and promotes the paramilitaries who invade community lands and are protected by the bad governments at the federal, state, and municipal levels. It is in the name of the supposed Fourth Transformation that these people have threatened the safety and lives of the eleven CNI compañeros and compañeras named above, as well as that of other CNI families.

We call on all of the communities, organizations, and collectives in Chiapas, Mexico, and the world who participated in the “Days of Action in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth ‘We Are All Samir’” for their solidarity and support for our CNI sisters and brothers in Chilón.


February 26, 2020

For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples

Never Again a Mexico Without Us

National Indigenous Congress

Indigenous Governing Council

Zapatista Army for National Liberation



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