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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Communique from the CNI-CIG, and the EZLN: Another Simulated Referendum to Justify Megaproject Development in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

Communique from the National Indigenous Congress, the Indigenous Governing Council, and the Zapatista Army for National Liberation: Another Simulated Referendum to Justify Megaproject Development in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

To the people of Mexico:

To the people of the world:

To the CIG Support Networks:

To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion:

To the National and International Sixth:

To the media:

The plans for dispossession and destruction that the bad governments call the “Isthmus of Tehuantepec Development Program,” are for us as originary peoples an announcement of the tragedy they now intend to extend through the territories of all of the Isthmus peoples.

As the CNI-CIG, we reject and condemn the bad governments’ so-called referendum, to be carried out throughout the Isthmus communities March 30 and 31, which simulates consultation of our peoples in order to impose these megaprojects of death.

We denounce the corrupt practices with which the bad governments, through their National Institute for Indigenous Peoples, have sought to divide, deceive, and intimidate our communities, offering programs and projects in exchange for yes votes in their so-called referendums, as if it were not precisely our territories and natural resources which are at stake.

The Binizzá, Ikoot, Chontal, Zoque, Nahua and Popoluca originary peoples who inhabit the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz have already made clear our “NO” to these megaprojects of death, which will lead to the destruction of our territories and the death of our mother earth.

We reject the invasion of our territories by mining companies that will destroy the mountains, springs, rivers, and air, as well as by the wind power companies that use the wind as a tool of negotiation to displace us from our lands. We do not want their trains, which only transport death, nor their repressive military or paramilitary violence, which devastate our territories.

We state once again that we will not cease in our struggle to protect mother earth and our indigenous communities and territories no matter how many simulated referendums the bad neoliberal capitalist government carries out in order to impose—via war—projects that prioritize money over the life of the originary peoples and of nature. On the contrary, we will continue to organize ourselves in resistance and rebellion with all those below.

We call upon all honest organizations and collectives, on the CIG support networks and on the national and international Sixth to be alert and ready to respond in solidarity to this new attempt to impose projects of dispossession.


March of 2019

For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples

Never Again a Mexico Without Us

National Indigenous Congress

Indigenous Governing Council

Zapatista Army for National Liberation


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