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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Convocation to the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle

Communique of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee, General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation


December 29, 2017

To the women of Mexico and the World:

To the originary women of Mexico and the World:

To the women of the Indigenous Governing Council:

To the women of the National Indigenous Congress:

To the women of the national and international Sixth:

Compañeras, sisters:

We greet you with respect and affection as the women that we are—women who struggle, resist, and rebel against the chauvinist and patriarchal state.

We know well that the bad system not only exploits, represses, robs, and disrespects us as human beings, but that it exploits, represses, robs, and disrespects us all over again as women.

And we know that things are now worse, because now all over the world we are being murdered. And there is no cost to the murderers—the real murderer is always the system behind a man’s face—because they are covered up for, protected, and even rewarded by the police, the courts, the media, the bad governments, and all those above who maintain their position on the backs of our suffering.

Yet we are not fearful, or if we are we control our fear, and we do not give in, we don’t give up, and we don’t sell out.

So if you are a woman in struggle who is against what is being done to us as women; if you are not scared (or you are, but you control your fear), then we invite you to gather with us, to speak to us and listen to us as the women we are.

Thus we invite all rebellious women around the world to:

The First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle

To be held at the caracol of Morelia, Tzotz Choj zone of Chiapas, Mexico, March 8, 9, and 10, 2018. Arrival will be March 7 and departure on March 11.

If you are a man, you are listening or reading this in vain because you aren’t invited.

With regard to the Zapatista men, we are going to put them to work on all the necessary tasks so that we can play, talk, sing, dance, recite poetry, and engage in any other forms of art and culture that we want to share without embarrassment. The men will be in charge of all necessary kitchen and cleaning duties.

One can participate as an individual or as a collective. You can register at this email: Include your name, where you are from, if you are participating as an individual or a collective, and how you want to participate or if you are just coming to party with us. Your age, color, size, religious creed, race, and way of being don’t matter; it only matters that you are a woman and that you struggle against the patriarchal and chauvinist capitalist system.

If you want to come with your sons who are still small, that’s fine, you can bring them. The experience will serve to begin to get it into their heads that we women will no longer put up with violence, humiliation, mockery, or any other fucking around from men or from the system.

And if a male over 16 years of age wants to come with you, well that’s up to you, but he won’t get past the kitchen here. He might be able to hear some of the activities and learn something though.

In sum, men can’t come unless they are accompanied by a woman.

That’s all for now, we await you here compañeras and sisters.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

For the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation and on behalf of all the girls, young women, adult women, and women elders, living and dead, councilwomen, Good Government Council women representatives, women  promotoras, milicianas, insurgentas, and Zapatista bases of support,

Comandantas Jessica, Esmeralda, Lucía, Zenaida and the little girl Defensa Zapatista.

Mexico, December 29, 2017






11 Comentarios »

  1. planning to attend..:)

    Comentario de — enero 6, 2018 @ 8:30 am

  2. Hi, I am part of a continent-wide grassroots group of Indigenous women in so called Australia called Sovereign Women United.

    I will share information about this event to my sisters and Aunties in the struggle.

    We will have to fundraise to send anyone over to this event, hopefully we will be able to send at least 2 people.

    Can you please email me information about airport, transport from airport and what we need to bring?


    Comentario de Debbi James nes — enero 7, 2018 @ 7:36 pm

  3. Es magnifico!

    Comentario de beth — enero 8, 2018 @ 10:10 am

  4. This is amazing and I want to attend. I wish it wasn’t so soon so I could financially plan this. This is simply amazingly necessary.

    Comentario de Tunisia — enero 9, 2018 @ 7:15 am

  5. Hoping to come from Boston join the amazing women at this phenomenal event. Thanks for any info to help plan travel and accomodation.

    Comentario de Lor Holmes — enero 14, 2018 @ 11:17 am

  6. Hola compañeras. Estoy interesada en mandar este invitaccion a las hermana Amazonicas con quein hacemos proyectos para la autonomia de sus communidades indigenas y sus federacciones. Hay una version en castellano para compartir con ellas?

    Comentario de Jen — enero 15, 2018 @ 6:05 pm

  7. Hola, we are very interested in joining you! we would like to find out about travel recommendations from the US and accomodation in MOrelia. thank you

    Comentario de Sarah Lewison — enero 20, 2018 @ 6:00 pm

  8. Donde esta Morelia, Tzutz Choj, Chiapas, Mexico?

    ¿Cómo viajo desde California?

    Comentario de Phyllis Haig — enero 27, 2018 @ 2:21 pm

  9. Hola!

    Very nessary conference. And very exciting. I want to attend but need travel info from San Zmihuel devAllende, Mexico, costs, and info about housing.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Sallie latch

    Comentario de Sallie Latch — febrero 7, 2018 @ 6:09 pm

  10. What an exciting event! I would like vecto attend bu, I’ve only just found out today. Will there be a second next year? I would need to plan ahead for such an adventure. Can I be added to a mailing list for information please?
    Jill Brown
    North Carolina, usAmerica

    Comentario de 910-477-1179 — febrero 10, 2018 @ 9:13 am

  11. Hola!

    Mi nombre es Stevie. Asistere, y me gustaria saber si los perros estan permitidos. Gracias por tu tiempo!

    Comentario de Stevie Gonzalez — febrero 24, 2018 @ 12:51 am

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