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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional







April 29, 2015


Here is the latest information about the May 2, 2015 celebration in Homage to compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo and Zapatista Teacher Galeano, and the seminar that will be held from May 3-9, 2015.

First.- A group of graphic artists will also participate in the Seminar: “Critical Thought Versus the Capitalist Hydra,” with an exposition called “Signs and Signals” of their own works of art made especially for this exposition. The following people will participate:

Antonio Gritón
Antonio Ramírez
Beatriz Canfield
Carolina Kerlow
César Martínez
Cisco Jiménez
Demián Flores
Eduardo Abaroa
Efraín Herrera
Emiliano Ortega Rousset
Felipe Eherenberg
Gabriel Macotela
Gabriela Gutiérrez Ovalle
Gustavo Monroy
Héctor Quiñones
Jacobo Ramírez
Johannes Lara
Joselyn Nieto
Julián Madero
Marisa Cornejo
Mauricio Gómez Morín
Néstor Quiñones
Oscar Ratto
Vicente Rojo
Vicente Rojo Cama

The opening of the exposition will take place Monday morning, May 4, 2015, in CIDECI.

SECOND. Here is the program of activities and participants for the seminar. There may be some changes (note: all hours listed are “national time”).


Saturday, May 2. Caracol of Oventik. 12:30.

Homage to compañeros Luis Villoro Toranzo and Zapatista Teacher Galeano.


Pablo González Casanova (written statement).

Adolfo Gilly.

Fernanda Navarro.

Juan Villoro.

Mother, father, wife and children of the compañero teacher Galeano.

Compañero teacher Galeano’s compañeros and compañeras in struggle

General Command – Sixth commission of the EZLN.

Note: On May 2, the caracol will be open for entry before 12:30. At 12:30, you will be asked to gather outside the caracol in order to begin the welcome ceremony for the families of those to whom we are paying homage and for the guests of honor, and you can then follow them to the specific place where the homage will be held. After the event, you will need to leave the caracol because it will be completely filled by the compañeras and compañeros who are bases of support. You will not be able to spend the night at the caracol. We estimate that the homage will end between 4 and 5 in the afternoon at the latest, so you will be able to return safely and comfortably to San Cristóbal de las Casas.



Sunday, May 3. Caracol of Oventik. 1000-1400 hrs. We ask that you arrive a little bit before the start time.

Inauguration by the General Command of the EZLN.

Don Mario González and Doña Hilda Hernández (video participation).

Doña Bertha Nava and Don Tomás Ramírez.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.

Juan Villoro.

Adolfo Gilly.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Relocate to the grounds of CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, beginning at 1400 hours.

Sunday, May 3 CIDECI. 1800 – 2100 hrs.

Sergio Rodríguez Lazcano.

Luis Lozano Arredondo.

Rosa Albina Garavito.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Monday, May 4, CIDECI. 1000 – 1400 hrs.

María O’Higgins.

Oscar Chávez (recorded message).

Guillermo Velázquez (recorded message).

Antonio Gritón. Opening of the Graphic Exposition “The Capitalist Hydra”

Efraín Herrera.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Monday, May 4, CIDECI. 1700 – 2100 hrs.

Eduardo Almeida.

Vilma Almendra.

María Eugenia Sánchez.

Alicia Castellanos.

Greg Ruggiero (written message).

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Tuesday, May 5, CIDECI. 1000 – 1400.

Jerónimo Díaz.

Rubén Trejo.

Cati Marielle.

Álvaro Salgado.

Elena Álvarez-Buylla.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Tuesday, May 5, CIDECI. 1700 – 2100.

Pablo Reyna.

Malú Huacuja del Toro (written message).

Javier Hernández Alpízar.

Tamerantong (video participation).

Ana Lidya Flores.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Wednesday, May 6, CIDECI. 1000 – 1400.

Gilberto López y Rivas.

Immanuel Wallerstein (written message).

Michael Lowy (written message).

Salvador Castañeda O´Connor.

Pablo González Casanova (written message).

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Wednesday, May 6, CIDECI. 1700 – 2100.

Karla Quiñonez (written message).

Mariana Favela.

Silvia Federici (written message).

Márgara Millán.

Sylvia Marcos.

Havin Güneser, from the Kurdish Freedom Movement.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Thursday, May 7, CIDECI. 1000 – 1400.

Juan Wahren.

Arturo Anguiano.

Paulina Fernández.

Marcos Roitman (written message).

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Thursday, May 7, CIDECI. 1700 – 2100.

Daniel Inclán.

Manuel Rozental.

Abdullah Öcalan, of the Kurdish Freedom Movement (written message).

John Holloway.

Gustavo Esteva.

Sergio Tischler.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Friday, May 8. CIDECI. 1000 – 1400.

Philippe Corcuff (video participation).

Donovan Hernández.

Jorge Alonso.

Raúl Zibechi.

Carlos Aguirre Rojas.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Friday, May 8. CIDECI. 1700 – 2100.

Carlos González.

Hugo Blanco (video participation).

Xuno López.

Juan Carlos Mijangos.

Óscar Olivera (video participation).

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


Saturday, May 9. CIDECI. 1000 – 1400.

Jean Robert.

Jérôme Baschet.

John Berger (written message).

Fernanda Navarro.

Participation by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.

Closing Ceremony.

Third.- As of April 29, 2015, 1,528 people have confirmed their participation. Of them, 764 state they are adherents to the Sixth, 639 state that they are not adherents, 117 state that they are from the free, autonomous, alternative, or whatever you call it press, and 8 work for the Paid Press.

Fourth.- Those people who are not able to register prior to May 2, 2015, can do so directly at CIDECI , in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.

That’s all for now.

Have a good trip.

From the office of the concierge.


April, 2015


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