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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


The EZLN joins the October 22 events in support of Ayotzinapa and the Yaqui People

Communiqué from the Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation


October 19, 2014

To the classmates, teachers, and family members of the dead and disappeared of the Escuela Normal[i] «Raúl Isidro Burgos» of Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico.

To the Yaqui people:

To the National Indigenous Congress:

To the National and International Sixth:

To the peoples of Mexico and the world:

Sisters and Brothers:

Compañeras and Compañeros:

The Zapatista Army for National Liberation joins the actions slated for October 22, 2014, at 6pm, in demand of  safe return for the 43 disappeared students; in demand of punishment for those responsible for the murders and forced disappearances; and in demand of unconditional liberation for our Yaqui brothers Mario Luna Romero and Fernando Jiménez Gutierrez,

As part of this global day of action, the Zapatista people will shine our small light on some of the paths that we walk.

Along the highways, dirt roads, paths and potholes, the Zapatista people will add our outrage to that of our Ayotzinapa brothers and the heroic Yaqui people.

Although small, our light is our way of embracing those who are missing and those who suffer in their absence.

Let this light demonstrate that we are not alone in the pain and rage that blanket the soils of the Mexico below.

Because those of us below hurt with rage and rebellion, not with resignation and conformity.

We call on the Sixth in Mexico and the world and on the National Indigenous Congress to also participate, according to their abilities, in this day of actions.




From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

For the Revolutionary Indigenous Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army for National Liberation.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Mexico, October 2014. In the twentieth year of the war against oblivion.

[i] The Escuelas Normales in Mexico are teaching colleges that principally train rural and indigenous young people to be teachers in their own communities.


2 Comentarios »

  1. Teteochihualiztlin ica nochi tlamelahuacachihaulizyaoquizquin!
    ! البركات لجميع المحاربين من أجل العدالة
    iBenediciones para todos guerreros para justicia!
    Blessings to all warriors for justice!

    Comentario de Ahuitzotl — octubre 21, 2014 @ 12:58 pm

  2. Deseo de todo Corazon. Que Los padres de todos Los Jovenes en cuentre fortalesa. Desgraciada mente nuestro pais no hay es peransa alguna. Hay que hacer Una cadena de horacion.por todos Los jovenes.

    Comentario de Karina Rojas — octubre 22, 2014 @ 5:53 am

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