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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Alberto Patishtán responds to invitation to Zapatista little school.

Prison No. 5, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, June 2013


From this place in our trench I send a combative greeting, and may you also receive God’s blessings.

Compañeros, I am honored to have the privilege of receiving an invitation to the little school. It is something that is very necessary in order for us to continue our walk together, thank you for this great and worthwhile opportunity. As you already know, there is no better path than Love. Love unifies, shares, serves; it is compassionate; its seeks the common good; it is sincere and honest; it knows how to listen; it is patient; it tells the truth from whoever and to whoever it comes; it erases lies; it rejoices in justice; it speaks little, but when it does speak, it speaks until its adversaries tremble; it allows one to forget oneself; Love casts off fear.

Well brothers, thank you for you lessons, and with the little that I have lived I am enriching my knowledge in order to continue fighting the enemy; out of all of this we will make all one and one all in demanding justice. Compas, see you soon, may God bless you, and I sent many greetings from my brothers of the Voz del Amate [translator’s note: Voice of Amate, political prisoners organization in Chiapas] and their sympathizers.


Political prisoner of the Voz del Amate

Adherent of the Sixth

Alberto Patishtán Gómez

Traducción del Kilombo Intergaláctico.


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