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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional




June 10, 2010.


To national and international civil society
To the adherents of the Other Campaign
To the sixth international
To human rights agencies, national and international


We publicly denounce the events in the community Choles de Tumbala of the autonomous municipality El Trabajo, located in the official municipality of Palenque Chiapas.

1 .- A group of persons by the names of: Gregorio Alvaro Cruz, Miguel Álvaro Montejo, Miguel Sánchez Jiménez, Rafael Alvaro Montejo, Miguel Montejo Arcos, Francisco Montejo Torres, Miguel Méndez Montejo, Santiago López Arcos y Miguel Solis Velasco, who lived in the Zapatista village, Choles de Tumbala, people are very problematic, they never understood the reason for, or gave respect to, the authorities and the community. So they organized to evict fellow EZLN support bases, and got 5 of their relatives for strength.

2.- Gregorio Alvaro Cruz and Miguel Álvaro Montejo, two of those nine people,made contact with Mario Landero Cárdenas, leader of the official XINICH organization, those leaders got 79 of their people to invade the community of Choles de Tumbala. In total 93 people joined. This incident occurred on May 20th this year at 9 am, when they arrived unexpectedly in the community led by Mario Landero, Gregorio Álvaro and Miguel Álvaro Montejo.

3 .- On 21 and 22 May, without respect for our support bases, they measured the land and the urban zone of the community, supported by a surveyor.

4 .- On 2 June they caused a fire that burned 100 hectares of land, those directing the invasion came through the Palenque forest to gain entry to the community. Now, they lay the blame on our compañeros, for the fire, felling of trees, and the death of a woman, this is a sign they want to fabricate crimes, to justify an eviction or repression against our fellow support base .

5 .- On June 3, they broke into compañero’s crop, destroying 18 90-meter long rows of chilis.

6 .- On June 5, Gregorio Álvaro Cruz and Miguel Álvaro Montejo divided his land amongst the people they had brought from outside. They invaded a women’s land collective of 20 square meters fenced with wire mesh inside which were birds, and gave it to someone else. On June 9, Gregorio and his men smashed the fence and took possession of 80 meters of wire mesh, planks, and 40 fence posts. The premises were pulled apart, and the land transferred to a woman by the name of Ana López Álvaro.

7 .- The same day, June 9 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, five of our compañeros from the support bases were near their cooperative store, when a group of eight people led by Gregorio Alvaro Cruz arrived, all armed with machetes, and used extreme violence, threatening to kill the compañeros, they ran away, some managed to hide in the hills and others in their homes to avoid being victimized by the offender group. At the time of the attack, Gregorio violently threatened that one by one they will eliminate and remove our compañeros, at the same time they took photography of a compañero. Another of the threats that this person has made is that they are going to get the public safety forces to evict them.

8 .- We see clearly that all these criminal acts and threats are promoted and organized by the bad government, the actors who do what they like to obtain their objectives because they feel protected by the government.

9 .- The real leaders of this group of people who are creating this conflict are: Mario Landero Cárdenas, Gregorio Álvaro Cruz and Miguel Álvaro Montejo. Tthese leaders organize and manipulate the other people who have been fooled into taking land that is inhabited by our support bases.

10 .- We want to make it clear to the public that the Council of Good Government wants to sort it all out in a peaceful and good way, and find a solution to the conflict, already we have cited three times the nine people involved but who have never shown up, we receive only ridicule when we write to Mario Landeros to remove the people that are supporting the violent group, but they never do it.

All these events are part of the same counterinsurgency strategy that the bourgeois government is directing against our people who are struggling against and resisting the neoliberal plan, and are designed to weaken our resistance. They are buying leaders who serve the same interests – of the rich and their government – to deceive, confuse and manipulate the poor, trying to create conflict between the most screwed in our society, as Mario Landero Cárdenas, Gregorio Álvaro Cruz and Miguel Álvaro Montejo are doing.

Faced with this situation we want to show the public that whatever the consequences of these events, the main culprits are Mario Landero Cárdenas, Gregorio Álvaro Cruz and Miguel Álvaro Montejo and the three levels of government: Felipe Calderon, Juan Sabines and Alfredo Cruz Guzmán.

We are the rightful owners of this land that is historically ours, and because here lie the bodies of our grandparents, land we recovered in 1994 and which has been paid for with the life and blood of our compañeros, and which we will defend at whatever cost.


Diana Pérez Ramírez, Leticia Arcos Díaz

Eliseo Jiménez Arcos, David Gómez Gómez


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