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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


The La Garrucha Council of Good Government denounces the detention of five compañeros and the disappearance of nine others by paramilitaries in Peña Limonar

The La Garrucha Council of Good Government denounces the detention of five compañeros and the disappearance of nine others by paramilitaries in Peña Limonar.

Caracol III Resistance Towards a New Dawn. La Garrucha. Council of Good Government. The Way of the Future. Chiapas, Mexico. May 10, 2010

To national and international civil society.
To fellow members of The Other Campaign in Mexico and abroad.
To national and international human rights groups.

Brothers and sisters, we denounce: The events at the ejido of Peña Limonar, Ocosingo municipality, Chiapas, Mexico.

Facts: Problems of murderers in the village of Amaytic, Municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico, May 10, 2010.

We have already publicly denounced that problems began when the murderers returned to take possession of the Amaytic Ranch, but the three levels of federal, state and municipal government failed to take action against the murderers. They have total freedom while our compañeros are pursued by the court and paramilitaries.

So we can see clearly that the murderers are paramilitaries enjoying the protection of the PRD/PAN government, paramilitaries who are accomplices of the ejido Peña Limonar.

In a new development, ejidatarios of Peña Limonar today detained five members of the Zapatista Support Bases, and another nine are missing.

The names of the compas: Ebelio Montejo Hernández, 35 years of age; Manuel Gutiérrez López, 42 years old; Health Promoter Luis Gutiérrez Vázquez of 15 years old; Pedro Gutiérrez Hernández, 18 years old; Narciso Gutiérrez Jiménez, 63 years old, plus nine missing comrades.

These are the ploys of the counterinsurgency organised by the three levels of bad government, the federal government of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, the state government of Juan Sabines Guerrero, and the municipal government of Arcia Carlos Leonel Solorsano, mayor of Ocosingo, Chiapas.

The Zapatista Support bases are also being persecuted through the closing of paths and entrances roads so that security agents and paramilitary can watch what they do and where our fellow Zapatista support bases are, while the murderers pass freely, along with the people from Peña Limonar.

Proof of this, is that the Good Government several times invited a commissioner and other officials to a meeting to resolve the problem of the 8 murderers who killed a member of the autonomous council and an assistant at the Amaytic Ranch on August 25, 2002.

Autonomous council member Lorenzo Martinez Espinosa and assistant Jacinto Hernandez Gutierrez lost their lives when the pair were taken, a problem which the authorities of the Good Government invited the authorities to solve, but the authorities of the ejido Peña Limonar refused to assist the Council of Good Government to get to the bottom of what happened at Amaytic Ranch.

Today May 10 at 10 am, another five members of the support base were detained, but the problem is no longer Amaytic, it is now in the ejido Peña Limona where the compañeros were detained, and nine others are missing.

So we will pay for whatever terrible events that will happen sooner or later, caused by the three levels of government. We will pay because the three levels of Federal, State and municipal government have failed to take action to solve this problem.

Also, women have been threatened when entering and leaving the community.

They also want to force our fellow Zapatista support bases from their vicinity, us who are not murderers, while the real murderers enjoy absolute freedom.

What would the three levels of government do if we threw them and their families out of their houses without having committed any crime? If we left them without food, without a luxurious house, and sent them to take refuge in a place that is not appropriate for them?

So, here we all want to resolve the problem. Everything that happens now is in the hands of Sabines, because together with the security agents, the paramilitaries, and the murderers of Amaytic, they are watching and persecuting our fellow Zapatista Support Bases.


Pedro Gutiérrez Guzmán
Federico Gómez Sánchez
Ayda Pérez Núñez
Ausencio López Méndez
Rebeca Lorenzo Cruz


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