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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Se levanta alerta roja y se anuncian cambios (English translation)

Communiqué from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.


July 11, 2005.

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:

Brothers and Sisters:

The EZLN is addressing you in order to inform you of the following:

First – With the completion of the internal consulta – whose results have already been made known – the EZLN has decided to lift the Red Alert which it has been maintaining since June 19, 2005 in the zapatista indigenous communities.

Second – As of this July 15, the Caracoles of La Realidad, Roberto Barrios, Oventik, Morelia and La Garrucha will be reopened. The different Good Government Juntas will also o­nce again begin their work in their respective headquarters.

Third – The Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipality [MAREZ] councils will also be reopening throughout all zapatista territory. Educational services, as well as cooperatives and other services, will also be reactivated.

Fourth – Civil activities will gradually be getting back to normal throughout the entire territory.

Fifth – As a result of the internal zapatista consulta, there will be some changes in the Caracoles.

For example, while those who have already been named by the Autonomous Councils in the Good Government Juntas will be there, now there will be support base compañeros and compañeras in the «Security Committees.» They will inform themselves as to who arrives, as to problems for those requesting help or resolution, as to programs being proposed, as to humanitarian help and aid for the indigenous communities, and as to the decisions made by members of the Good Government Juntas. These security committees will report to the MAREZ and the support bases so that everyone can be informed, make assessments and say whether what is being decided and done is good or bad.

In addition to the Good Government Junta offices and the security committees, there will be an «Information Committee.» This committee will be in charge of attending to those persons who come asking for information and explanations about the zapatista movement, its history and its struggle.

Sixth – These changes will be taking place little by little, and they will certainly cause some setbacks and confusion, so we are asking for your understanding, which your nobility has already demonstrated previously.

Seventh – We are inviting national and international civil society to resume, as of this July 15, your contacts, visits and projects in the Caracoles and with the Good Government Juntas and MAREZ throughout zapatista territory. You will all be welcome.


From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation,

Mexico. July of 2005.


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