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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Resultado de la consulta zapatista (English translation)

Communiqué from the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.


June 26, 2005.

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:

First – The CCRI-CG of the EZLN is informing you that it has finished consulting with tens of thousands of support bases. Between June 20 and June 26, meetings and assemblies were held in more than one thousand indigenous communities in the southeastern Mexican state of Chiapas.

Second – Participating in these assemblies were only 100% indigenous and 100% Mexican men and women, adults, EZLN support bases, who listened to reports from the zapatista leadership. There was also an analysis of the national situation and of the proposal for a new step in the struggle.

Third – After analyzing and discussing the advantages and disadvantages, the dangers and the risks, everyone expressed themselves, through individual, free votes, concerning the proposal.

Fourth – The results were that more than 98% approved the new step, and less than 2% decided not to support the proposal.

Fifth – In this manner, with the approval and backing of the wide majority of its members, the EZLN shall undertake a new political initiative that is national and international in nature.

Sixth – In order to report on what was analyzed and discussed in the internal consulta – in addition to explaining and calling for joining in with the new initiative which has been approved – the CCRI-CG of the EZLN will, over the next few days, make public a series of texts which are part of the “Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona.”


From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

By the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

Mexico, in the sixth month of 2005.


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