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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Convocation to the Events: “Zapata Lives, Samir Lives, The Struggle Continues” on the 100thAnniversary of the Assassination of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar

Convocation to the Events: “Zapata Lives, Samir Lives, The Struggle Continues” on the 100thAnniversary of the Assassination of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar

Given that:

Our brother Samir Flores Soberanes was murdered by the neoliberal regime—we don’t know if it was the government, big business, their criminal cartels, or all three together.

The so-called “Fourth Transformation” began with Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, was intensified by Carlos Salinas de Gortari, continued as a war of conquest by Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, Vicente Fox Quezada, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, and Enrique Peña Nieto; and is now extended through the long-term project of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the Party of National Regeneration [MORENA]. For the originary peoples, the only “real change” will be an increase in lies, tricks, persecution, threats, imprisonment, displacement, murder, mockery and disrespect, human exploitation and natural destruction—in sum, the annihilation of the collective life that we are.

The current neoliberal government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador has its sights set on our peoples and territories. Using its “National Institute for Indigenous Peoples”, it has put into place a web of cooptation and disorganization that clears the way for a war whose principal front will be industrialization. This war will be implemented via infrastructure projects and violence and backed by the armed forces and the soon-to-be National Guard, casting a dark shadow of death and destruction over the originary peoples of our country.

We restate our firm opposition to the neoliberal policies of old and new governments; to the referendums or whatever they choose to call them whose only purpose is our displacement from and dispossession of our territories; to mining, to the damming of our rivers, to highway construction and the acceleration of real estate speculation throughout our lands, to the construction of neoliberal megaprojects of death like the Integral Project for Morelos, the Trans-isthmus Corridor, and the Mayan Train.

We have not forgotten that the struggle led by General Emiliano Zapata Salazar and the Liberation Army of the South and Center represented and continues to represent the interests and aspirations of our peoples and of millions of the exploited in Mexico and the world. This upcoming April 10 is the 100thanniversary of the cowardly murder of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar by the political regime that, despite its “transformations”, continues to govern today.


Given this, we convoke a National Assembly of the indigenous peoples of the National Indigenous Congress/ Indigenous Governing Council, adherents to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandón Jungle, the Support Networks for the Indigenous Governing Counciland collectives and organizations organized in struggle against capitalism, to take place on April 9 of this year in the indigenous community of Amilcingo, municipality of Temoac, Morelos, from 10:00am-6:00pm.


We also convoke a national and international mobilization to mark the 100th anniversary of the murder of General Emiliano Zapata Salazar. The mobilization’s epicenter will be Chinameca, Morelos, on April 10, 2019, beginning at 9:00am.


The schedule of activities will be published shortly.


March 2019.

For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples

Never Again a Mexico Without Us

Amilcingo Assembly of Resistance

Peoples Front in Defense of Water and Land – Morelos-Puebla-Tlaxcala

National Indigenous Congress/ Indigenous Governing Council

Zapatista Army for National Liberation

By agreement of the Emerging National Assembly on State Violence and the Self-Determination of our Peoples held in the community of Amilcingo, Morelos on March 9 of this year, the above convocation is made in conjunction with the following groups:


Huexca in Resistance, Permanent Assembly of the Peoples of Morelos, CIG Support Network-Morelos, Francisco Villa Peoples’ Organization of the Independent Left, Workers of Morelos, UPCI, United Cholultecas in Resistance-CHUR, Nodorolidente, MOPIM-CNPA-MN, Rubén Jaramillo Autonomous Cultural Institute, UPVA October 28, Anti-Repression Network, Coyoacán Network, Praxis in Latin America, CNI Tepoztlan, CNI Puebla, Resistrenzas Collective, Cineteca Network of Resistance and Rebellion, Network of Resistance and Rebellion, UPCD, EPM, Workers’ Collective, JEN, Huazulco Community, Zapatistas of Southern Morelos, UCIZONI, MAIZ, UAM-Azcapozalco Members, Solidaka, Union for Popular Sovereignty, Mactumactzá Rural Teachers’ College, Tenextepango Ejido, Ruacig, Rebelión, Hecho en Tlalpan, Colectivo El Zurdo, Movement for the Freedom of Water Defenders in Tlanixco, State of Mexico, San Miguel Cajono Oaxaca, University of Chapingo, Libertad bajo Palabra, Flor de la Palabra, National Organization for People’s Power.



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