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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Space full in communities for the Zapatista little school.

Space full in communities for the Zapatista little school

Zapatista Army for National Liberation.


June 2013

To the adherents of the Sixth in Mexico and the world:

To Zapatista little school invitees:

From: Subcomandante Insurgent Moisés.

Compañeras and Compañeros of the Sixth and students of the little school:

The Zapatista men and women send you their greetings. We wanted to let you know how preparations for the little school are going.

Well, we have bad news and good news:

First, the bad news:

We have already run out of space to attend the classes that will be held in communities between August 12th and 16th, 2013. Also, the course at CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas is just about full.

There are many compañeros and compañeras who would like to attend the little school in our Zapatista communities. Many more than we expected. And many more than imagined by those people who say that the Zapatista fad is over, that Zapatista initiatives are no longer “attractive,” and other such nonsense repeated by those who have nothing to do.

And so, we wanted to let you know that all of the spaces for attending [the little school] in the communities in August are filled, all of the little classrooms are filled, and can’t hold any more people. There is no more space for students. Because we are not only going to receive them there, but we also need to make sure that they are well housed and fed, according, of course, to our humble means.

First, we had prepared to receive 500 students in Zapatista community. This filled up quickly. Then we expanded to 1000 students, and that filled up in no time. Then we made space for 1500 students and that also filled up. We cannot make any more space this time around because we want to take good care of the students and keep them happy.

But don’t be sad or discouraged, because we are weighing the options for another date, in another month, for those who cannot come to the little school in community this time. We’ll let you know the exact dates later. What is certain is that it will be sometime next December or January.

And now, the good news:

Our Zapatista compañeras and compañeros, who will be your teachers, are finishing up their teacher training.

Yes, they are finishing their preparation because all of the Zapatista people will participate in the school. You will have three teams of teachers: thecompañeras and compañeros from the communities who will receive, house, and feed you; the compañeras and compañeros who will accompany you at all times and who will take care of you, that is, the guardians, or your “VOTAN”; and also your teachers in the little school.

But SupMarcos, in a separate communiqué, will explain further the three teams of teachers and the way that things will work in the schoolhouse. His computer is almost fixed.

In addition there will be teachers for the videoconference, and for the DVD version they have almost finished recording the class lectures.

The textbooks are also ready. We only need to add the DVDs, filmed by our own compañeras and compañeros in the Zapatista media, which show what we have done in every Zapatista corner here in Chiapas.

Don’t forget that afterwards there will be videoconferences or you can request these materials.

And we are also thinking of sending, later, a team of teachers to other places where there are people who would like to understand our struggle for freedom. Of course, only if they are invited.

In another communiqué, SupMarcos will give you some more information about how everything is going with the students. For now, I will just let you know that the vast majority are young people.

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a general invitation to everyone who would like to come for the party to celebrate 10 years of the Good Government Councils.

Also, remember that the “Seminar Tata Juan Chávez Alonso,” is open to all who would like to attend, and will be celebrated in CIDECI in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, beginning on August 17th. This is also the day that all of the students are leaving the communities, so that those who are in community can also attend and listen to the word of other original peoples of Mexico who struggle for indigenous rights and culture. In July, we will have a meeting of the Organizing Commission, or those who are convoking the tribute to our dear compañero Don Juan Chávez Alonso.

That’s all for now. We’ll be here waiting for you.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés.

Mexico, June 2013


Watch and listen to the videos that accompany this text:

The song “The Anarchist” by Paradoxus Luporum. Dedicated to the anarchist compas, the new major enemy of the institutional “left.”

Mario Benedetti, in his own voice, “What can the young people do?” also for the anarchists.

So that you can start practicing your steps for the party on the 10 year anniversary of the caracoles and the Good Government Councils.


Traducción de “El Kilombo Intergaláctico”.



1 Comentario »

  1. Estuve invitada. Dado que vivo en un lejano pais (boletos de avion y demas) y que la certidumbre de ir era todavia incieta, se lleno el cupo de estudiantes. Estaba muy feliz de estar con ustedes. Esprare la proxima Escuelita Zapatista. Sin embargo, aplaudo todo lo que han hecho para recibir a los estudiantes. Las ganas que le han puesto a todo. Los admiro y admirare siempre. Les deseo mucho exito, que se lo habra. Un abrazo fraternal para todos nuestros indigenas chiapanecos. Para el Sup Marcos mi admiracion y para el Sub Moises mi reconocimiento y tambien mi admiracion. Suerte!!. Estoy leyendo los comunicados que me envian para estar enterada de todo y quiero decirle que desde aqui, siento que estoy alla. Se que estan muy ocupados pero posteriormente me pondre en contacto con ustedes para obtener los DVDs (aunque sea para sentir mas su presencia) El amor flota en el aire siempre que obtengo informacion de ustedes. Mi mochila esta lista para la proxima.

    Comentario de Patricia — junio 23, 2013 @ 11:17 am

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