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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Enero Zapatista 2023, San Diego California

Enero Zapatista 2023

To the Adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle in the United States: 

To the networks of rebellion, resistance, support, and solidarity with the EZLN and the CNI:

To all those who resist capitalism from below and to the left and feel inspired by the EZLN’s struggle:

Enero Zapatista is a month-long series of politically and culturally conscious events carried out over the last 19 years on unceded Kumeyaay land (otherwise known as San Diego, California) that commemorates the Zapatista’s uprising in January 1994.

The theme for this year’s Enero Zapatista is….

What is Community Justice?

Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos! Alive they were taken, alive we want them back!

Ya no queremos velorios! We no longer want any wakes!

The above are common slogans among the movements of families and supporters of all those who have disappeared, been assassinated as water or land defenders, as students, as victims of femicides within the narco/state of Mexico and in other countries dominated by capitalist markets that displace millions from Indigenous communities worldwide. This exhibit at Centro Cultural de la Raza will provide a timeline since the AMLO administration took office in Mexico and honor all those that have lost their lives voicing their protest towards the so-called 4th Transformation megaprojects of death (los projectos de Muerte) and those that have lost their lives unjustly as a consequence of narco-state violence and patriarchal structures that continue to discriminate and oppress vulnerable populations. We hope to reveal all those wounds that have not been healed and continue to persist in these current times, not just in Mexico but all over the world, so long as we live in a capitalist society where human life is not valued. We stand with all Indigenous peoples of these lands against the megaprojects of death. 

We invite you to reflect on what community justice looks like here in Kumeyaay territory, in your local neighborhoods, past hometowns, and beyond. We hope this theme inspires you to connect past, present, and future stories and create art that can help bring light to spaces and people that may need justice, healing to yourself and your community, and inspiring paths to collective community justice. Here on the local level, we hope folks can bring forth proposals for dialogue about how, where, and by whom justice is determined while living in a capitalist state. 

We, the Sixth in Kumeyaay territory, condemn the AMLO government and all bad governments, past, present, and future, that impose megaprojects of death and continue to displace millions of people, forcing them to migrate globally. 

We demand a stop to the extracting of natural resources and protection for all natural elements that belong to our Mother Earth. 

In Solidarity,

Enero Zapatista Coordinating Coommittee 

CompArte Curators: Ymoat Luna, Nadia LaHomie Cruz Tapia, Samantha de Los Cabos 

Enero Zapatista 2023 

Join us for the 19th Annual Enero Zapatista series of events.

Opening January 7, 2023, from  6:30-9:00 pm at Centro Cultural de la Raza
2004 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101 or via Zoom:

Look out for the event flyers!

Follow @enerozapatista or for more information on the schedule and location of events. For questions, email: 

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Notas Importantes: Este sitio web es de la Comisión Sexta del EZLN. Esta sección de Comentarios está reservada para los Adherentes Registrados y Simpatizantes de la Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona. Cualquier otra comunicación deberá hacerse llegar por correo electrónico. Para evitar mensajes insultantes, spam, propaganda, ataques con virus, sus mensajes no se publican inmediatamente. Cualquier mensaje que contenga alguna de las categorías anteriores será borrado sin previo aviso. Tod@s aquellos que no estén de acuerdo con la Sexta o la Comisión Sexta del EZLN, tienen la libertad de escribir sus comentarios en contra en cualquier otro lugar del ciberespacio.

Archivo Histórico

1993     1994     1995     1996
1997     1998     1999     2000
2001     2002     2003     2004
2005     2006     2007     2008
2009     2010     2011     2012
2013     2014     2015     2016
2017     2018     2019     2020
2021     2022     2023

Comunicados de las JBG Construyendo la autonomía Comunicados del CCRI-CG del EZLN Denuncias Actividades Caminando En el Mundo Red nacional contra la represión y por la solidaridad