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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Call for the Global Day of Struggle in Defense of Life and Our Territories «SAMIR FLORES LIVES» on October 12, 2019

Call for the Global Day of Struggle in Defense of Life and Our Territories
«SAMIR FLORES LIVES» on October 12, 2019

September 18, 2019

At 527 years after the start of the resistance and rebellion of the original peoples against the colonial invasion, the war of the patriarchal capitalist system and its megaprojects continue to bring death and destruction throughout the world and put all forms of life at risk on planet earth.

Particularly in Mexico, with the lie of wanting to eradicate poverty in the south of the country, the López Obrador government conspires with business mafias, organized crime, and political parties of all colors to take up the old dream of Porfirio Díaz and the plans of all neoliberal governments since Salinas de Gortari and offer up the national territory to global capital.

In the face of national and worldwide disaster, the National and International Assembly of the National Indigenous Congress / Indigenous Governing Council and Adherents to the Sixth, the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion, Organizations and Collectives of “The Isthmus Is Ours” gathered in Juchitán, Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, on September 6, 7, and 8, 2019:
WE CALL on the communities, organizations, and people of Mexico and the World, in accordance with the ways and times of each organization, TO PERFORM COORDINATED ACTIONS within the framework of the

Global Day of Struggle

In Defense of Life and Our Territories


on October 12, 2019

We invite you to a dispersed and forceful mobilization throughout the country against the megaprojects of death, a mobilization with an anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal character, seeking all sectors to participate, making the paliacate (bandana) a common symbol, and that in all spaces we show art, music, creativity from below.

We denounce that with the implementation of megaprojects such as the so-called Maya Train, the Dos Bocas Refinery, the Inter-Oceanic Corridor of the Isthmus, the Morelos Integral Project, the new airport and its associated works such as the Mexico-Tuxpan Highway, as well as a monstrous set of environmental, territorial, and social predation projects with mining, hydroelectric, agribusiness, industrial corridors, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, fracking, wind farms, large-scale enterprise solar panels, etc. that are part of the infrastructure that is intended to be imposed for the looting of natural assets (oil, minerals, forests, jungles, wind, rivers, lakes, and oceans) and the overexploitation of labor from our towns in Mexico and Latin America to deliver our territories to the great transnational capital, destroying biodiversity, and exacerbating the catastrophe of global warming, making it clear that this proposal of the state with a neoliberal developmentalist character to solving the problems of Mexicans who face unemployment, poverty, and violence, among others.

The activities that each organization defines must be registered no later than October 1 in the email

All the actions that are registered will be disseminated in the different social networks and web page of the National Indigenous Congress / Indigenous Governing Council.


National and International Assembly of the National Indigenous Congress / Indigenous Governing Council and adherents to the Sixth, Networks of Resistance and Rebellion, Organizations and Collectives “The Isthmus is Ours”


2 Comentarios »

  1. Estimados hermanos, ante la situación que enfrentamos en este espacio llamado México, y con las evidencias del ecocidio llamado Tren Maya y las cada vez más evidentes alianzas entre los del poder (económico, político, informativo, etc.)y por el otro lado, los hermanos de los pueblos originarios aquí en nuestro país, en Brasil y en todo el planeta, creo que debemos enfatizar el llamado con base en «EL PLANETA TIERRA, NUESTRA ÚNICA CASA», PARA QUE TODOS DESDE GRETA, la heroica adolescente que cruzó el Océano para increpar en la ONU a los responsables del desastre climático, incluso al señor Putin, que la ve como una «niña buena» y no la voz de las generaciones que «Nuestro Futuro Común» señala en el desarrollo sustentable, como aquel que «SATISFACE LAS NECESIDADES DE LAS GENERACIONES PRESENTES SIN MENOSCABO DEL DERECHO DE LAS FUTURAS PARA SATISFACER LAS SUYAS.»

    Comentario de Jorge Román Chávez de la Peña — octubre 5, 2019 @ 11:55 pm

  2. Gracias infinitas por tu enseñanza mi Yorch 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

    Comentario de Victoria — mayo 3, 2020 @ 12:12 am

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