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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Convocation to the Second National Assembly of the Indigenous Governing Council and the Peoples of the National Indigenous Congress

National Indigenous Congress


Given that:

First: The initiative of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) to form the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG) and put forward its spokeswoman, Marichuy, as Mexican presidential candidate has reached yet another phase. The first phase was marked by the decision of the Fifth National Indigenous Congress, on its twentieth anniversary in October of 2016, to hold a referendum on that initiative with all of its peoples and communities. The second phase consisted of carrying out that internal CNI referendum, between October and December of 2016, on the formation of the CIG and the designation of its spokeswoman. The third phase culminated in the Constitutive Assembly of the CIG and the naming, by consensus of that assembly, of María de Jesús Patricio Martínez as CIG spokeswoman in May of 2017. The fourth phase was made up of the signature-gathering effort for our spokeswoman Marichuy, a process that we concluded this year. Our process of resistance, rebellion, and organization, however, continues.

Second: Our path continues. In contrast to previous phases, there are now far more originary peoples walking together with us, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, there are more people, groups, collectives, and organizations seeking solutions by and for ourselves, solutions that we know will never come from above.

Third: Each day marks an increase in the capitalist war against mother earth, against our peoples and against all those below, while from above—from the capitalists and their overseers who poorly govern Mexico and the world—we receive only lies, exploitation, dispossession, disrespect, and repression.

Fourth: During the CIG’s Third Internal Work Session, held August 26, 2018, we agreed to convoke a second assembly of the CIG and the peoples of the CNI to be held in October of this year.

To be held October 11-14, 2018 at CIDECI-UniTierra in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, according to the following program:

October 11: Arrival and delegate registration for the CNI peoples and CIG council members.

October 12:

8am-9am: Breakfast

9:30am-10am: Inauguration

10am-2pm: Small group sessions. Balance and evaluation of the last phase of struggle, of the current situation in Mexico and around the world, and of the referendum, carried out in cooperation with the Civil Association “The Hour for the Peoples to Flourish Has Come”, among the CIG Support Networks, the National and International Sixth, and all those who decided to support the CIG’s proposal.

2pm-3pm: Lunch

3pm-8pm: Two-part plenary: 1) Balance and evaluation of the next steps in our struggle as the CNI and the CIG, alongside the CIG Support Networks, the National and International Sixth, and all those who decided to support the CIG’s proposal.

8pm-9pm: Dinner

October 13:

8am-9am: Breakfast

9am-11am: Commission and Working Group Reports to the Full Assembly

11am-2pm: Small group work sessions on the CIG’s 9 work areas and the strengthening of the CNI.

2pm-3pm: Lunch

3pm-4pm: Small group report backs and conclusions

4pm-8pm: Plenary on the CIG’s 9 work areas and the strengthening of the CNI

8pm-9pm: Dinner

October 14

8am-9am: Breakfast

10am-1pm: Final Assembly Plenary: Agreements and Resolutions

1pm-1:30pm: Closing

1:30pm-2:30pm: Lunch

We ask all delegations to immediately confirm their attendance via the email:

Only CNI delegates and CIG council members will be able to participate in the October 12 and 13 sessions. Those who have been specifically invited by the CIG/CNI Coordination Commission may also attend as observers.

The October 14 plenary session will be open to invitees of the CIG/CNI Coordination Commission, the former members of the Civil Association “The Hour for the Peoples to Flourish Has Come”, and to members of the CIG Support Networks and the National and International Sixth to participate as observers.

September 6, 2018
For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples
Never Again a Mexico Without Us
CIG/CNI Coordination Commission


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