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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Message from the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG)

Message from the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG)

September 20, 2017

To the people of Mexico:
To the people of the world:
To the national and international Sixth:

The Coordination and Follow-up Commission of the Indigenous Governing Council has received, via the EZLN’s Sixth Commission, our first monetary donation from the Zapatista bases of support to be sent to the originary peoples, communities, barrios, nations, and tribes affected by the cyclones, hurricanes, and earthquakes in Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, Guerrero, Morelos, Mexico State, Veracruz, and Mexico City.

For this task, the CNI and the CIG are currently organizing communication with the originary brothers and sisters who have suffered the effects of these natural disasters, to deliver the aid collected in our own collection centers, and to set up a reconstruction fund that allows affected families to repair or rebuild their homes.

The CNI collection centers for originary peoples can be found at the following locations:
– Assembly of Indigenous Peoples in Defense of the Earth, Fraccionamiento IVO, Tercera Calle, Juchitán Oaxaca.
– Totopo Community radio, Barrio de los Pescadores, Calle Ferrocarril 105, esq. Avenida Insurgentes, séptima sección in Juchitán, Oaxaca.
– Digna Ochoa Human Rights Center A. C., Calle 1 de mayo No 73, between Granaditas and Churubusco, Col. Evolución, Tonalá, Chiapas.
– Unios headquarters, Dr. Carmona y Valle # 32, colonia Doctores, Del. Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, C.P. 06720.
– Rincón Zapatista / Cafeteria Comandanta Ramona, Mexico City, Zapotecos #7, Col. Obrera, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, C.P. 06800.

We will later provide bank account information which can be used for solidarity donations to the reconstruction fund for indigenous peoples.

At this time, CNI and CIG delegates, women and men, are in contact with our sisters and brothers to find out their needs as well as their willingness and capacity to support those in need.

“For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples”
“Never Again a Mexico Without Us”

Coordination and Follow-up Commission of the Indigenous Governing Council
National Indigenous Congress


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