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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


CNI Convocation for a National Working Assembly for the Indigenous Governing Council and the Peoples who make up the National Indigenous Congress

To the originary peoples of Mexico,

To the council members of the Indigenous Governing Council,

As agreed upon in the assembly of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) May 26-28, 2017, with regard to a new National Assembly to be held in October in the state of Chiapas, in Zapatista territory: the indigenous peoples, nations, tribes, and barrios of the CNI call upon the originary communities that we are to name delegates, men and women, to continue the path we have set out for ourselves.


1. That the displacement, repression, exploitation, and disrespect against our peoples does not stop but rather becomes increasingly and brazenly violent every day;

2. That the Indigenous Governing Council for Mexico (CIG) has been strengthened by representation from originary peoples, nations, and tribes across the majority of the indigenous geography of our country, and has proposed the construction of an anticapitalist agenda via 9 working groups in order to call on all peoples of the countryside and city to organize to stop the war imposed on us by the powerful;

3. That the CNI has been building networks of support and solidarity all over the country which are weaving from below the new country and new world that we need;

4. That the time for the peoples to flourish has come, and that is time for our word, bearer of the pain of this country and the dignity and life of our peoples and expressed through the CIG, to make make the earth tremble:


To be held October 11-19, 2017, in Zapatista territory, Chiapas, according to the following schedule:

  • October 11: Arrival and registration for delegates of CNI peoples and council members of the CIG. To be held at CIDECI-UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.
  • October 12: Inaugural assembly and discussion groups according to the 9 working groups of the CIG. To be held at CIDECI-UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.
  • October 13: Working group conclusions and plenary session. To be held at CIDECI-UniTierra, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas.
  • October 14-19: Journey through various points of Chiapas as organized by the Zapatista communities to greet the CIG and its spokeswoman.
  • October 19: Conclusions from our general assembly.

We ask all delegations to confirm their attendance immediately at the following email:

The sessions on October 12 and 13 will be exclusively for CNI delegates and CIG council members and those expressly invited by the CIG’s Coordination and Follow-up Commission.

The locations and dates of the journey to take place October 14-19, as well as rules of attendance for those who are not members of the CIG and CNI or their invitees, will be defined and made known by the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.


September 10, 2017

For the Full Reconstitution of Our Peoples

Never Again a Mexico Without us

National Indigenous Congress


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