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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Compañeros of the CIDECI-Unitierra announce that the CompArte Festival is on

Compañeros of the CIDECI-Unitierra announce that the CompArte Festival is on

San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

July 8, 2016

To all of the artists participating and attending CompARTE:

To the national and international Sixth:

Brothers and sisters:

We send you fraternal greetings on behalf of all of those who make up CIDECI-Unitierra.

With regard to the celebration of the CompArte Festival convoked by our compañer@s of the EZLN, and convinced also that “the arts are a hope for humanity… [and] that in the most difficult moments, when disillusionment and impotence are at a peak, the Arts are the only thing capable of celebrating humanity” (EZLN Communique, 7/6/2016), we want to inform you that we are continuing preparations to celebrate this sharing-exchange from July 23 through July 30. Our CIDECI-Unitierra community will keep its doors open to receive all of the persons, communities, and collectives that have felt in their hearts this call to come share experiences of art, struggle, and resistance.

As of the initial CompArte convocation, we have been happy to be able to offer our grain of sand to this celebration. You can count on us to put all of our efforts into making you feel as welcome as possible. We await you here.

Chin up!


P.S. 1. All previously registered participants and attendees can collect their accreditation in CIDECI-Unitierra as of July 18, from 10am to 8pm.

P.S. 2. Anyone not yet registered can register directly at CIDECI-Unitierra, also between 10am and 8pm.


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