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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Acción en solidaridad con lxs compas Zapatistas (Chicago – 24 de mayo, 2014)

Join the Mexico Solidarity Network, CRLN and other allies this Saturday downtown during the LASA conference to stand in solidarity with the Zapatista communities currently under violent attack!

12pm: Gather pictures and statements in solidarity with the Zapatistas at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) annual Congress being held at The Palmer House Hilton Hotel (17 E Monroe St, Chicago, IL 60603).

1pm: Take to the streets (Michigan Ave) to show our public support of the Zapatistas.

Contact Celeste at with questions.



On May 2, 2014, in the Zapatista territory of La Realidad, Chiapas, Mexico, the group CIOAC-Histórica [with the participation of the Green Ecological Party and the National Action Party (PAN)], planned and executed a paramilitary attack on unarmed Zapatista civilians. An autonomous Zapatista school and clinic was destroyed, 15 people were ambushed and injured and Jose Luis Solis Lopez (Galeano), teacher at the Zapatista Little School, was murdered. The mainstream media is falsely reporting this attack on the Zapatistas as an intra-community confrontation, but in fact this attack is the result of a long-term counterinsurgency strategy promoted by the Mexican government.

Given the experience of the 1997 massacre at Acteal, we are concerned about the mounting paramilitary activity against Zapatista bases of support. It is clear that if we do not take action now, the current situation in Chiapas may also lead to an even more tragic end.

Since 1994, the Zapatistas have shown us the bankruptcy of the world that dominates us and, most importantly, the ability to organize ourselves into self-determining communities autonomous from the political class and capitalism. It is this capacity to show that another world is possible in the here and now, one not rooted in exploitation, dispossession, repression and de-valorization, but rather in liberty, democracy and justice, that has inspired us all. An attack on the Zapatistas is an attack on the other world that we have all tried to build along with them for the past 20 years.



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