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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


II Encounter of the Zapatista Peoples with the Peoples of the World

II Encounter of the Zapatista Peoples with the Peoples of the World

Communiqué of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation

June of 2007

To the People of Mexico:
To the Peoples of the World:
To the Adherents of the Zexta Internazional:
To the Adherents of the Sixth Declaration:

Compañeros and Compañeras:
Brothers and Sisters:

As was announced at the First Encounter of Zapatista Peoples with the Peoples of the World (held in January of this year), the Second Encounter will be held in the coming month of July. The objective of this encounter is that persons, groups, collectives, and organizations that struggle against neoliberalism, in Mexico and all over the world, hear directly the word of the EZLN’s bases of support on the process of the construction of autonomy in the Zapatista indigenous communities of Chiapas. For this reason, the EZLN, through its Intergalactic and Sixth Commissions, convokes:

The Second Encounter of Zapatista Peoples with the Peoples of the World.

To be held in Zapatista territory July 20 through 28 of the year 2007, with the following characteristics:

First. Taking into account the difficulties that the rainy season provokes at this time in the state of Chiapas, the locations of the Encounter will not be the 5 caracoles (as was previously announced), but rather 3 caracoles (Oventik, Morelia, and La Realidad), following the schedule that we here detail:

Friday, July 20: Caracol of Oventik, Zona Altos [Highlands Zone] of Chiapas. Welcome and Inauguration.

Saturday, July 21: Caracol of Oventik, Zona Altos of Chiapas. Plenary roundtables with presentations by the Zapatista bases of support of the Autonomous Municipalities of the Altos of Chiapas, and sessions for questions, observations, and proposals by attendees.

Sunday July 22: Transfer to the Caracol of Morelia, Zona Tzotz Choj. Welcome.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July 23, 24, and 25: Caracol of Morelia, Zona Tzotz Choj. Plenary roundtables with presentations by the Zapatista bases of support of the Autonomous Municipalities of the Tzotz Choj Zone (Caracol of Morelia), the Northern Zone of Chiapas (Caracol of Roberto Barrios), and the Selva [Jungle] Tzeltal Zone (Caracol of La Garrucha), and sessions for questions, observations, and proposals by attendees.

Thursday, July 26: Transfer to the Caracol of La Realidad, Zona Selva Fronteriza [Jungle/Border Zone]. Welcome.

Friday, July 27: Caracol of La Realidad, Zona Selva Fronteriza. Plenary roundtables with presentations by Zapatista bases of support of the Autonomous Municipalities of the Zona Selva Fronteriza, and sessions for questions, observations, and proposals by attendees.

Saturday, July 28: Caracol of La Realidad, Zona Selva Fronteriza. Final Plenary and Closing.

Sunday, July 29: Return.

Second. The themes of the plenary roundtables are:

Health: Presentation given by the Health Promoters of the Zapatista communities.

Education: Presentation given by the Education Promoters.

Organization of the Communities: Presentation given by the municipal commissioners and officials.

Collective Work: Presentation given by the local, regional, and municipal collectives and coordinators of each zone.

The Struggle of Women: Presentation given by the women of the bases of support on their forms of organization at different levels, as “the women that we are.”

Autonomy: Presentation given by the autonomous authorities on the struggles and problems faced in the areas of work, health, education, trade, civil registry, justice, projects, etc.

Good Government: Presentation given by members of the Good Government Councils on their function in the construction of autonomy.

Evaluation of the Process of the Construction of Autonomy: Presentation given by members of the political directive of the EZLN (CCRI) on advances and problems in the 13 years of existence of the Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Rebellion (MAREZ) and the 4 years of the Good Government Councils (JBG).

Third. The method of work in the plenary roundtables will be: Presentation of the theme, followed by a session of observations, questions, and answers.

Fourth. In this Second Encounter the EZLN will have as special invitees the compañeros and compañeras of the Landless Movement in Brazil, of the Campesino Movement of Korea, of the Campesino Movement of Madagascar, of the Campesino Movement of the United States, and of other compas of the “Via Campesina” organization in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Given this, there will be a special space for the participation of these compañer@s.

Fifth. Inscriptions and accreditations will begin by internet on July 2, 2007, at the following webpages: and

Accreditations will be distributed starting Monday, July 16, 2007, in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, at:

The office of Enlace Zapatista: Avenida Ignacio Allende 22-A, Barrio de San Antonio, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas.
Telephone: (01) 967 6781013

Additionally, there will be a place for inscription and accreditation in each of the caracoles where the plenaries will be held.

Sixth. It is recommended that those attending bring the necessary items to spend the night. In the caracoles there will be affordable food stands, but attendees can also bring their own food.

We invite all honest, noble, and committed persons of Mexico and the World to attend.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.
Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee—General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.
Sixth Commission.

Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés.
Intergalactic Commission.

Mexico, June of 2007.

(Thanks to El Kilombo intergalactico for the translation)


6 Comentarios »

  1. Que desasosiego no poder asistir a este encuentro! Como quisiera participar y contagiarme de la esperanza con tanto Zapatista de Mexico y del mundo! Pero mi apoyo y mi corazon estan con todos ustedes. Soy y me siento Zapatista. Sigo y seguire luchando de la mejor forma que me sea posible contra estas estructuras de explotacion, dominacion, alienacion aqui en las «entranas del monstruo», como dijera Jose Marti.
    Animo y mucho exito. Seguire atentamente los avances de esta historica reunion.

    Comentario de Jenaro Rodriguez — julio 2, 2007 @ 4:55 pm

  2. […] friend who is a blues musician, and his friend’s whole family. and then it’s off to the encuentro intergalactica zapatista for as long as i can take off my work here. So incredible to be two days away from a round table […]

    Pingback de all the rain « el sur de mexico y yo — julio 17, 2007 @ 5:46 pm

  3. […] of the new democratic and participatory global groups and movements like the World Social Forum and Encounter of the Zapatista Peoples with the Peoples of the World – which engage in concrete action towards building another world, at any level from the local to […]

    Pingback de taking the world by surprise « Resiste — julio 20, 2007 @ 12:11 am

  4. Por favor mandeme informacion de algun contacto en mi area. Estoy en Los Angeles, California, U.S.

    Comentario de Josue' — agosto 2, 2007 @ 11:47 pm

  5. Mi nombre es Carlos D. Torres. Soy un estudiante de antropología en la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder. Me pregunto si hay mensajes de correo electrónico a la Caracoles, me gustaría abrir una línea de comunicación con mis compadres en la juntan de buen gobierno allí. Soy un amigo y defensor.


    Comentario de carlos torres — enero 22, 2009 @ 5:09 am

  6. Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

    Comentario de sandrar — septiembre 10, 2009 @ 3:50 pm

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