Sixth Commission of the EZLN
October 2018
Program Schedule for the “Puy ta Cuxlejaltic” Film Festival
Note: Due to causes beyond our control, the dates for this first festival will be extended to November 9, 2018.
Film schedule by category:
Category: Can you dig it?
Special Section: “A Neighborhood of City Folk in the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast”
Roma. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón
Category: To Fall and Get Back Up Again
Bayoneta. Directed by Kyzza Terrazas
Rudo y Cursi [Rough and Corny]. Directed by Carlos Cuarón
Batallas Íntimas. Directed by Lucía Gajá
No les pedimos un viaje a la luna. Directed by María del Carmen de Lara
Category: Dreaming Reality
Érase una vez [Once Upon A Time]. Directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo
Ana y Bruno. Directed by Carlos Carrera
Tobías. Directed by Francisca D´Acosta and Ramiro E. Pedraza
Carrizos. Directed by Dinazar Urbina
Niños Héroes. Directed by Itzel Martínez
El Laberinto del Fauno [Pan’s Labyrinth] Directed by Guillermo del Toro
El Patio de mi casa. Directed by Carlos Hagerman
Future Past; Fin de, Coapan sin tiempo y Carnaval. Directed by Federico Cuatlacuatl
Aquí sigo [Still Here]. Directed by Lorenzo Hagerman
El sonar de las olas [The Sound of Waves]. Directed by Vanessa Ortega C
Amor, nuestra prisión [Love, Our Prison]. Directed by Carolina Corral
Special Section: For the Kids
Niñ@s del llano encantado. Colectivo Ojo de Agua Comunicación.
Saludos desde San Juan Evangelista Analco. La Caléndula Audiovisual and Ojo de Agua Comunicación.
Ololetic Ya Vits Tan. Directed by María Sojob
Video carta desde Chicahuaxtla. Colectivo Ojo de Agua
Category: The Storm
No sucumbió la eternidad [Eternity Never Surrendered]. Directed by Daniela Rea
Hasta los dientes [Armed to the Teeth]. Directed by Alberto Arnaut
Artemio. Directed by Sandra Luz
Rush Hour. Directed by Luciana Kaplan
Tierra de Impunidad. Directed by Diego Osorno y Luciano Gorriti
La Tempestad. Directed by Tatiana Huezo
Silvestre. Directed by Santiago Mohar Volkow
Los reyes del pueblo que no existe [Kings of Nowhere]. Betzabé García
Los débiles [The Weak Ones]. Directed by Raúl Rico y Eduardo Giralt
El futuro en nuestras manos. Directed by Sara Oliveros
Category: Yesterday, Today
Reed, México Insurgente (restored). Directed by Paul Leduc
El Grito (restored). Directed by Leobardo López Aretche
Diarios en Motocicleta [The Motorcycle Diaries]. Directed by Walter Salles
Category: Resistance and Rebellion
Juban Wajin. Colectivo Tlachinollan and La Sandía Digital
El secreto de la belleza. Directed by Néstor Jiménez
El Desafío Indígena. Directed by Inti Cordera
El Maíz en Tiempos de Guerra [Maize in Time of War]. Directed by Alberto Cortés
Del Oriente / Laboratorio Experimental de Cine. Faro Oriente and Faro Aragón
Cherán. Tila y Ostula. SubVersiones
Yoo´oram luturia and Comcaac quih yaza quih iicp cöismatoomlam quih
La Marabunta Filmadora. Yoemem * Comcaac * Raramuri
La Tercera Raíz [The Third Root]. Directed by Camilo Nu
Los hijos del jaguar [Children of the Jaguar]. Directed by Eriberto Benedicto Gualinga Montalvo
La Antigua: Sangre que nutre. Espora Kolectivo
La Frágil Armada [The Fragile Armada]. Directed by Jacques Kebadian and Joani Hocquenghem
Los rebeldes. Directed by Jacques Kebadian and Michel Andrieux
Petites historias das criancas. Directed by Gabriele Salvadores, Guido Lazzarini, Fabio Scamoni
Slikebal: el comienzo. Directed by Bernardino López
Special Section: Ixmucané
500 años [500 years]. Directed by Pamela Yates
Mujer. Se va la vida compañera. Directed by Mariana Rivera
Koltavanej. Directed by Concepción Suárez
Mujeres que Luchan. Koman Ilel
La Candidata Imposible. Directed by Rodrigo Hernández and Elpida Nikou
Gira. Videoastas de la Frontera Sur
Las mujeres que luchan. Directed by Rocío Martínez Ts´ujul
Hilo de la memoria. Directed by Mariana Rivera
Semillas de Guamuchil. Directed by Carolina Corral
Category: Sing, Weave, Dance, Play, Share Your Memories
A morir a los desiertos. Directed by Marta Ferrer
Nuestra música. Directed by Humberto Gómez Pérez
Inocencia y Latzi Duu. Campamento Audiovisual Itinerante
La Comunidad del Oído Atento. Directed by Gabriela Domínguez Ruvalcaba
Oscar Chávez, Chiapas. Directed by Modesto López
Category: Meanwhile, Up Above…
Special Section: The Fourth Transformation…of a Film
The secretary: “Smile, Sir, I’ve brought you your new jacket and it’s a beauty [PRIMOR]”1
The boss: “What color is it this time?”2
La Ley de Herodes [Herod’s Law]. Directed by Luis Estrada
Un mundo maravilloso [A Wonderful World]. Directed by Luis Estrada
El Infierno [Hell]. Directed by Luis Estrada
La Dictadura Perfecta [The Perfect Dictatorship]. Directed by Luis Estrada
Special Section: The Rich Are In Debt, Too
Las Niñas Bien [The Good Girls]. Directed by Alejandra Márquez
Special Section: Thieves Stealing from Thieves
La piedra ausente [The Absent Stone]. Directed by Sandra Rozental y Jesse Lerner
Museo [Musuem]. Directed by Alonso Ruizpalacios
Category: Neither Forgiven Nor Forgotten
Special Section: A Wound Called Ayotzinapa
El paso de la Tortuga. Directed by Enrique García Meza
Nos faltan. Directed by Lucía Gajá y Emilio Ramos
Category: We Salute You Always
A Desalambrar con Daniel Viglietti. Directed by Jorge Denti
Category: A Look in the Mirror
Spajel Cuxlejalil (Comparing Lives).
Documentary in Tzeltal, with Spanish subtitles. Los Tercios Compas.3
Lak Tatucho’b yi’k’oty lak chuchu´tyi finca (Our Ancestors on the Plantations).
Documentary in Chol, with Spanish subtitles. Los Tercios Compas.
Muku Shämbal (Walking in Silence).
Documentary in Chol, with Spanish subtitles. Los Tercios Compas.
Yoyal xkuxlej stuk jteklum xchi´uk xkuxlejik sviniktak chopol ajualil. (The Pillar of Automony and the Lives of Political Party Followers). Documentary in Tzotzil and Spanish. Los Tercios Compas.
Important Advisory: The First “Puy Ta Cuxlejaltic” (“Caracol of Our Life”) Film Festival has been principally and purposefully planned for the Zapatista originary peoples—for
their gaze, and for the gaze of invited guests who work in fiction and documentary film. In light of this, theater space in the “Emiliano Zapata 3D Children’s Theater” (three directions that is—three
screens in the same theater, but each facing different directions) with its 1800 seats, and space in the “Comandanta Ramona Theater”-DCP with Dolby Sound-(yeah, I don’t know what that means either but they
said you can hear and see the film really well, and the equipment is on loan—just for the festival—from Alfonso Cuarón and the production and technical teams from the film “Roma”) are preferentially reserved for Zapatista women, men, children, and elders as well as for invited guests. In other words, Zapatista compas take their seats first, along with guests, and then if there is space left others may come in (and to be honest, this is unlikely because during at least the first few days
we’re expecting a Zapatista audience of at least 4,000 masked compas).
But don’t worry, because there is also the “Maya Cinema on Foot” (no cars allowed) which is an open air theater and holds 10,000 movie goers. Showings depend, of course,
on whether or not it’s raining and must begin after dark, so this mega-theater is only used after 6pm.
Also, thanks to the support of artists in the city, there will be music, theater, dance, photo exhibits, and story-telling in various pavilions around the “Maya Cinema on Foot”.
Given the above, you can decide if you want to stop by or if you prefer to wait until the films are shown at the CIDECI-UniTierra in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas,
on their own program schedule.
During the festival, access to the caracol of Oventik will be restricted to invited guests and registered attendees. Access to CIDECI is permitted for registered attendees.
In order to register to attend, please send your information to:
From “Maya Cinema on Foot (no cars allowed)” (FYI it’s the basketball court)
From the Sixth Commission of the EZLN.
El Sup Galeano in his “why stop now” mode, clutching a barrel of popcorn.
Wha? I mean, what if they run out when it’s actually time for the movies? Better eat up now.
Plus, I’m pissed they didn’t include La Nave de los Monstruos [The Ship of Monsters, 1960] in the festival, can you imagine. Ajúa!
Mexico, October 2018
“Snow-White.” Blanca nieves. Dave Fleischer. 1933. 7 min. Animation Director: Roland C. Crandall. Rotoscoping animation technique. Voices by Mae Questel and Cab Calloway.
“Rear Window”. Alfred Hitchcock. 1954. First 7 min. Starring James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Wendell Corey and Thelma Ritter. Writing
credits: John Michael Hayes. Cinematography: Robert Burks. Editing: George Tomassini. Constume Design: Edith Head. Makeup: Wally Westmore. Sound: Harry Lindgren and John Cope. Art Director: Hal Pereira and Joshep MacMillan
Jhonson. Set: Sam Comer and Ray Moyer. Assistant Director: Herbert Coleman. Music: Franz Waxman.
Collage of movie posters for “La Nave de los Monstruos” [The Ship of Monsters]. Rogelio A. González. 1960. An international science fiction classic and cult film. Starring Eulalio González “El Piporro”, Ana Bertha Lepe and Lorena Velázquez.
1 PRIMOR is a play on words which could be read as “elegance” or could reference
the author’s use of the term in a previous communique which combines the abbreviations PRI and López Obrador’s MORENA. The EZLN is mocking the idea promoted by Lopez Obrador supporters that his ascent to
power constitutes Mexico’s “Fourth Transformation”, suggesting instead that López Obrador’s victory may signal a fourth transformation, not of Mexico but of the PRI.
2 A reference to the different colors which identify the various political parties in Mexico.
3 The Tercios Compas are media teams from within the Zapatista communities.
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