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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Updates on the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle

January 25, 2018

(Note: the last day to register for an activity is February 9, 2018. The last day to register to attend is March 8, 2018.)

Compañeras, we want to share with you how registration is going for the gathering to be celebrated March 8, 9, and 10 in the Caracol of Morelia, Tzotz Choj zone, Chiapas, Mexico.

Based on the emails we have processed so far, 651 people have registered, ranging in age from 5 months to 75 years old. Thirty-eight compañeras are bringing their children.

They are coming from the following locations:

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Basque Country, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Switzerland, the Cree and Obijwa Nation, the Mapuche Nation, the Navajo Nation, the Spanish State,  the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, and 27 Mexican states.

There are 202 proposals for political, artistic and sports activities, which span the disciplines of music, dance, theater, circus performance, clown, poetry, storytelling, book presentations, drawing, photography, film, soccer and volleyball. There will also be workshops and talks with the following themes:

Workshops: gender violence, yoga for kids, stenciling, clay modeling, feminist manifestos, cooperative games, valorization and use of menstrual blood, gender, theater, dance and painting as a mode of healing, sensitivity training, agroecology, [the problem of what is referred to as] corrective rape, reusable menstrual pads, fabrication of personal hygiene tools, decolonizing our hips, a workshop about the body and creative resistances, a muralism workshop, women of color feminism, deconstructing genders, cyberfeminism, bodywork, self-massage workshop, reiki, abstract-figurative art, free writing, engraving, painting, book-making using personal experiences, abortion, bioconstruction, dance therapy, macrobiotic cooking, humor and gender, aroma touch, and reflexology.

Talks: Feminist theory, the woman’s body, forms of resistance, defense of human rights and promotion of culture, antisexist education, surviving violence, women’s struggle in France and Italy, abortion, menstruation and deconstruction of the use of roles, femicides, the Mapuche peoples’ experience of struggle, sexism in the media, the lesbian experience in patriarchal times, feminism in Cuba, romantic love and the eroticization of gender violence, sexual violence in the armed conflict in Colombia, violence against women, racism, the struggle against mining, ecofeminism, indigenous and black feminisms, feminist economies and sustainability, and human-feminist security.

There are still many more emails to be processed. We appreciate your patience: we are working on responding to all of you.

In other news, we want to inform you that the last day to register activities is Sunday, February 9 (inclusive). This is so we have time to organize the schedule for your activity.

The last day to register to attend is March 8 (inclusive). Registration will be open in the Caracol of Morelia starting on March 7.

The email to register is:

Support team for the First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle.

January 25, 2018


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