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Palabra del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional


Report on Acts of Aggression Against Zapatista Support Bases: 2006-2012

 The Network Against Repression and for Solidarity presents this report with the intention of making visible the acts of aggression against Zapatista Support Bases (BAZ) from June 2006, after the date in which the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle was released, to December 2012. This report is based on the denunciations by the Juntas de Buen Gobierno (JBG), published on the “Enlace Zapatista” website.

Each denunciation contains the details of the acts of aggression: imprisonments, murders, displacements, thefts, kidnappings, plunder, repression, places, dates, and persons responsible for said acts of aggression. We take into account the words written by the compañeras and compañeros of the Juntas de Buen Gobierno of the five Zapatista Caracols, they make us see the forms of destruction that are exercised against them and the pain that it causes; nonetheless in the face of this, the Zapatistas bring us closer to understanding their achievements and the magnitude of their resistance.

Due to the strength that the testimonies of our compañeros have, we have incorporated fragments of the denunciations in the words of each Junta de Buen Gobierno. Of course, it was necessary to select the denunciations and their fragments, so we took as criteria for doing so that they articulate different types of aggression and forms of aggression that are realized against them.


Click here to read and download the report:

Red Contra la Represión y por la Solidaridad
Correo electrónico:
Teléfono: 55 78 07 75 y 55 78 47 11
Dirección: Dr. Carmona y Valle # 32, colonia Doctores, Del. Cuauhtémoc, México D. F. C.P. 06720


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Archivo Histórico

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Comunicados de las JBG Construyendo la autonomía Comunicados del CCRI-CG del EZLN Denuncias Actividades Caminando En el Mundo Red nacional contra la represión y por la solidaridad